Fast, easy and secure.
With BankPlus Online and Mobile banking, you can manage your account without ever visiting a branch. View account balances and history of your BankPlus checking, savings, and loan accounts via computer or cell phone. Schedule one-time, future-dated, or recurring payments to virtually anyone, anytime. Set up custom alerts and notifications to keep you informed of account activity and balances, plus much more.Send money in the moment with Zelle
It's a fast, safe and easy way to send money in minutes to friends, family and others you trust, right from the BankPlus mobile app. Zelle makes it easy to send money to, or receive money from, people you trust with a bank account in the U.S. Find Zelle in your BankPlus Mobile Banking app.
Learn MoreAccess your accounts with a simple text
Text message banking allows you to access your account information and receive account notifications on your text-enabled device.
Learn MoreMoney Manager
Managing your finances has never been easier than with Money Manager, a part of online banking. Link all of your accounts in one place. Your total financial life can be categorized, charted and reviewed to gain a better understanding of your complete financial picture.
Learn MoreDownload the BankPlus Mobile Banking App today!
With so many mobile banking solutions available to BankPlus customers, it has never been easier to keep up with your finances anytime, anywhere. Our mobile banking app give you the power and security of your online banking account through the convenience of your smart phone or tablet device.
1. Transactions typically occur in minutes when the recipient's email address or U.S. mobile number is already enrolled with Zelle.
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